Xikar Crystal Gel Humidification Jar 2oz/ 4oz
XI-809HUMI-2OZStore your cigars in a humidor that has a constant 70% humidity. If your humidor holds up to 150 cigars then use this Xikar humidifier jar to regulate its humidity. All you have to do is unscrew the top and place it in your humidor! It will last for 90 days before you need to refill it with Xikar's pre-mixed solution. A slow, steady release of constant Humidity of 70% that lasts up to 90 days before you have to re-fill it. This jar of 4 ounces regulates humidity for up to 150 cigars safely and effectively, and it's very easy to use!
XIKAR Crystal Humidifiers use high grade Sodium based Polyacrylamide. It is a plastic material (non-biodegradable & non-toxic) that absorbs and holds up to 450 times its weight in fluid. The gel feels dry to the touch and never ever leaks. It is the perfect medium for humidifiers. A couple of grams of dry gel are enough to fill the crystal humidifiers when fully charged with solution. This creates the ONLY humidifier on the market that is 99.8% void of the available space, less than .2% is occupied by anything other than Propylene Glycol solution, making the humidifiers the most efficient on the market.